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Tag - conservatism
Quotes Tagged With :conservatism
Jonah Goldberg
If there is ever a fascist takeover in America, it will come not in the form of storm troopers kicking....
Albert Jay Nock
There’s only one way to improve society. Present it with a single improved unit: yourself.
Edmund Burke
An ignorant man, who is not fool enough to meddle with his clock, is however sufficiently confident to....
Ben Shapiro
The Left had to go searching for a new civil-rights struggle with which to cram conservatives back into....
David Niose
When libertarian sentiments take a populist form, it looks like this: a mix of anger, fear, anti-intellectualism,....
Chadwick Moore
...We are reviled, much like black conservatives and any other minority group that says ‘no’ to the....
John D. Caputo
The Right thinks that the breakdown of the family is the source of crime and poverty, and this they very....
Richard Rohr
If change and growth are not programmed into your spirituality, if there are not serious warnings about....
Phil Hine
As the social matrix becomes increasingly subject to rapid fluctuations, throwing out anchors into a....
Michelle Malkin
Minority conservatives hold a special place of gutter contempt in the minds of unhinged liberals, who....
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