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Tag - constitutional
Quotes Tagged With :constitutional
John W. Whitehead
[T]here is both an intrinsic and instrumental value to privacy. Intrinsically, privacy is precious to....
A.E. Samaan
Our Supreme Court is not a court of law. It is a court of conjecture and political fad.
DaShanne Stokes
Failing to indict a criminal sitting president sends the message that those in power are above the law.....
Supreme Court of Wisconsin
There is no such source and cause of strife, quarrel, fights, malignant opposition, persecution, and....
A.E. Samaan
History could not be any clearer: Rights given by fad and fashion are just as easily taken away. The....
Christina Engela
Who is an elected government in a constitutional democracy to decide it will not tolerate dissent.
Kenneth Eade
Our democracy depends on an informed citizenry to survive, Your Honor. Besides the advancement of truth,....
Rivera Sun
A freedom given up is not so easily regained.
Jeffrey Rosen
Before Sept. 11, the idea that Americans would voluntarily agree to live their lives under the gaze of....
John Didcott
The bad parts of the statute are not judicially severable, I consider, from the rest of its provisions....
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