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Tag - contemplative
Quotes Tagged With :contemplative
A.J. Arberry
To understand the extreme lengths to which the Sufis were prepared to go in reading esoteric meanings....
Mike Bartlett
...I am better Thoughtful Prince than King. Potential holds appeal since in its castle wallsOne is protected....
William A. Barry
We remain free, however, to listen to God's communication or not to listen, and free to respond or not....
Joel T. McGrath
Experience is the byproduct of agony.
Joel T. McGrath
Opportunities are rare in this life, and fairness, rarer still. So, when you discover a fair opportunity,....
Andrew Wyeth
I think anything like that-which is contemplative, silent, shows a person alone-people always feel sad.....
R.E.M Sweetness Follows
It's these little things, they can pull you underLive your life filled with joy and wonderI always knew....
David Brazzeal
Learn to listen to subtle cues from your spirit instead of the barrage coming from your brain.
Daniel J. Rice
The contemplative man always lives alone. Regardless of who may reside in his home, his is a solitary....
Ken Wilber
The point of the overall meditative path is to have Wakefulness (or Consciousness as Such) transcend....
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