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Tag - contender
Quotes Tagged With :contender
H.D. Smith
I couldn’t just start killing people. That wasn’t really my thing.
H.D. Smith
I’m calling this place the Tardis,” she said, continuing to scan the different locations. “We’re....
H.D. Smith
How did you get hired?” “I checked the box on the application that said “descendant” by mistake.....
H.D. Smith
Don’t worry,” I said. “We won’t be having slumber parties and spa days any time soon.” “I....
H.D. Smith
Is that true?” The Boss asked Mace. Without even batting an eye, Mace said, “Yes.”“And you agreed?”....
Diogenes Laërtius
He also said that he marvelled that among the Greeks, those who were skilful in a thing contend together;....
Criss Jami
There are 2 kinds of fighters: those who fight because they hate, and those who fight because they love.....
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