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Tag - cruel
Quotes Tagged With :cruel
Shannon L. Alder
They will hate you if you are beautiful. They will hate you if you are successful. They will hate you....
Thomas Fuller
The weakest and most timorous are the most revengeful and implacable.
Stephen King
...some of it's how he acts like he's King Shit of Turd Mountain, but mostly it's that he's sneaky, and....
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Nevertheless, in this sea of human wretchedness and malice there bloomed at times compassion, as a pale....
Marie Lu
You cannot harden your heart to the future just because of your past. You cannot use cruelty against....
Shannon L. Alder
Shame without repentance doesn’t lose power when it is spoken, it only seeks approval.
Ashay Abbhi
I went closer this time and touched him. He let out a deafening shriek, as if something had pierced into....
Jayden Hunter
Words can be as deadly as bullets. But bullets are faster acting. ~ Brandon Hull
Michael Bassey Johnson
Those who pray for your downfall are concentrating negative thoughts towards you, without taking cognisance....
Steven Magee
We live in truly unbelievable times. Autism is an epidemic in most westerncountries, western governments....
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