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Tag - cyber
Quotes Tagged With :cyber
See you on the other side of the screen, if you make it, earnest cyberspace cadet.
Ren Warom
She's always scorned his squeamishness, citing the replacement of his vagina with a dick. Joon thinks....
Timothy Leary
The level of intelligence has been tremendously increased, because people are thinking and communicating....
James Scott
Ransomware is more about manipulating vulnerabilities in human psychology than the adversary's technological....
Clyde DeSouza
You can't hack your destiny, brute force...you need a back door, a side channel into Life.
James Scott
The health sector continuously get’s pummeled by malicious actors and hackers because their cyber-kinetic....
Lewis Fry Richardson
Big whirls have little whirls,That feed on their velocity;And little whirls have lesser whirls,And so....
Kim J. Vicente
Technology - with all its promise and potential - has gotten so far beyond human control that its threatening....
Jeff W. Horton
It was the storm that would forever change the course of human destiny.
James Scott
Few critical infrastructures need to expedite their cyber resiliency as desperately as the health sector,....
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