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Tag - daine
Quotes Tagged With :daine
Sunday Adelaja
To flourish in life is to live according to the laws of the kingdom that God ordained
Chandana Roy
She cannot escape marriage; it is her sacred Hindu duty, just as giving her away in marriage was her....
Henry Ford
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
Tamora Pierce
If you look hard and long, you can find us. If you listen hard and long, you can hear any of us, call....
Tamora Pierce
Sarra looked at her daughter and said reproachfully, "Speaking of war, I never raised you to be always....
Sunday Adelaja
We are ordained to work for the increase of the government of Christ
Sunday Adelaja
To Fulfill Destiny Is To Walk In The Ordained
Tamora Pierce
You must tell Lady Alanna that sometime. I'd do it from a distance.
Shannon A. Thompson
Neither of us asked to be born descendants, yet I’d be rewarded with his death, and we couldn’t prevent....
Shannon L. Alder
The fault in our stars is the inability to see that the world falls in love with fantasy, fairytales....
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