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Tag - dancer
Quotes Tagged With :dancer
Shah Asad Rizvi
O wayfarer! Yearn finds quench, not in meadows, seashores or altitude of mountain peaks; but when being....
Shah Asad Rizvi
World seems like a void of silence every time footsteps are deprived of dancing shoes.
Aleksandra Ninkovic
They say the silence is the language of God, but so is music. This is why we dance, we become loud in....
Martha Graham
Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion.
Darwun St. James
People come to New Orleans to forget themselves and party like a pagan. They gorge themselves on exotic....
Shah Asad Rizvi
Music does not need language of words for it has movements of dance to do its translation.
Maitreya Rudrabhayananda
Have you seen anybody dancing? He is totally aware of himself and dances his way in a manner as decided....
Shah Asad Rizvi
Burdened no more is soul for whom life flows through dance and not breath.
Shah Asad Rizvi
If spirit is the seed, dance is the water of its evolution.
Shah Asad Rizvi
Transcend the terrestrial; surpass the celestial, from nature’s hands when you receive the sublime....
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