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Tag - dao
Quotes Tagged With :dao
Ana Claudia Antunes
Don't confuse pressure with pleasure. For some people it"s not sure if they are having a seizure or ceasure....
Ana Claudia Antunes
Love without restraint makes one saint and the other faint the sweetest face and the tenderest embrace....
1 Minuto na Palma da Mão
The past is a lake in which you add every day a glass with your attitudes. How crystal clear is water?....
1 Minuto na Palma da Mão
Leave the past behind. Give privacy your future . Body and mind in yours now. Perceive the world around....
Ana Claudia Antunes
All the drain leads to the ocean...So chill out and enjoy the motion!
Ana Claudia Antunes
It tales two to Tao.
Ana Claudia Antunes
It takes two to Tao.
1 Minuto na Palma da Mão
One fine day she left the past behind and gave privacy to the future. He took his now to take a walk,....
1 Minuto na Palma da Mão
Faith is a kind of spiritual magnet that you polarize.
1 Minuto na Palma da Mão
Past, of not being able to change. Future, of not being able to predict. Now, to be transformed into....
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