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Tag - deserving
Quotes Tagged With :deserving
Bien Sufficient
I love you not because you are deserving of my love but because it is my number one duty as a Christian.There....
Machine Gun Kelly
But if you can't take me at my worstYou don't deserve me at my best"~ Machine Gun Kelly ft. Hallie Steinfield:....
Mehmet Murat ildan
He who hides himself amongst the shadows deserves to live inside the dark shadows! Meet with the light....
Thomas Paine
I have furnished myself with a Bible and Testament; and I can say also that I have found them to be much....
Terry a O'Neal
You deserve someone who you don't mind sharing your world with—someone you can trust in it. You deserve....
Criss Jami
Love may be harder to find in some people, but when they do love you know it must be something marvelous.....
S.C. Lourie
So, I'm no longer holding myself hostage to less than what I deserve. It's an inward thing first. It's....
TemitOpe Ibrahim
Sometimes we pray earnestly, other times we only make a slight mention of a thing and with great expectation,....
Mac Canoza
Jesus came to give his righteousness not to condemn the unrighteous.
Kelseyleigh Reber
This world owes us nothing. Existence is not indebted to us. Humanity lives under this misconception....
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