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Quotes Tagged With :devotional
Anita R. Sneed-Carter
Take no stock in saying, "never", because it carries no guarantee.
Lori Hatcher
Life is hard. If anyone tells you otherwise, they're lying. But life without faith is even harder.
Dana Arcuri
We each have the power to give. It’s the most gratifying feeling ever. By reaching out to help another....
Dana Arcuri
Our job on earth isn't to criticize, reject, or judge. Our purpose is to offer a helping hand, compassion,....
Jim George
The Bible strongly encourages us to get involved in discipleship.
Jocelyn Soriano
There at the cross, we see all pain and darkness conquered in such a way that it is defeated forever.....
Lori Hatcher
What we do determines much of what happens in the world to come, not just for ourselves, but for those....
Dana Arcuri
The more you are grateful for what you have, the more you can live fully in the present.
Matthew J. Cochran
To those who receive [Jesus], that is not only to believe in His existence but to believe that He brings....
Dana Arcuri
When we observe trials and tribulations in our world, there's even more reason to lighten the heavy load.....
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