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Tag - dex
Quotes Tagged With :dex
Emily Giffin
His loyalty, so fierce and unwavering, makes my eyes water and heart ache.
Neil M. Hanson
We all wrap ourselves in the mythology we want other people to see us in.
Sharad Vivek Sagar
Change takes time. But, it also takes people.
Dexter Palmer
I truly do not know, and that unnameable feeling that comes with not knowing: it must be worse than grief.....
Eraldo Banovac
In my opinion, the author-level metric can distort a real author's citation impact. For example, an author....
Dexter Palmer
But space shrinks when you get old, and things lose their wonder, and the wisest thing to do then is....
Dexter Palmer
And just as he said of me, the thing that his heart desired was not the thing that he professed to want.....
Emily Giffin
You see yourself as very average, ordinary. And there is nothing ordinary about you, Rachel." (Something....
Dexter Palmer
I ask you to kill my father for the crime of bringing me into existence.
Dexter Palmer
She closed her eyes, and as had been her habit over these past couple of days, she began to imagine possible....
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