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Tag - diana
Quotes Tagged With :diana
Michael Grant
If you do bad stuff and don't repent, you go to hell," Orc said, like he was begging for a refutation."Yeah,....
Diana Gabaldon
Snapped abruptly to a realization of how rudely I had been staring, I blushed and said without thinking,....
Diana Gabaldon
Don’t go overboard in avoiding “said.” Basically, “said” is the default for dialogue, and a....
Giordano Bruno
Desire urges me on, while fear bridals me.
Erin McKean
You don’t owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially....
Diana Wynne Jones
I hate dialect. It gets in the way. If there is a need for dialect, you can render it quite easily by....
Gene Wolfe
And as if by magic - and it may have been magic, for I believe America is the land of magic, and that....
Diana Gabaldon
One of the general patterns of good (i.e., striking and memorable) writing is the effect of repetition.....
Diana Gabaldon
It would ha' been a good deal easier, if ye'd only been a witch.
Michael Grant
Female say Pack Leader stop,” Pack Leader said angrily.“What?” Caine could make no sense of it....
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