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Tag - discipleship
Quotes Tagged With :discipleship
John Spencer
Christianity is a journey not a destination
David Halberstam
It was the responsibility of a senior fireman to teach as well as to do.
Martin Sheen
The line between spontaneity and stupidity can be very thin.
Andrew Pettegree
Like many men who experience fatherhood relatively late in life, Martin Luther was a devoted parent.....
Jen Pollock Michel
Struggle is a prerequisite to surrender.
Megan McKenna
What God did for Jesus in standing up for Him, standing behind Him in life and in death, and in standing....
Frank Bruno
each year, she finds her friendships less volatile and easier, because she increasingly succeeds at looking....
James MacDonald
We must evaluate every person, place, product, perspective, position, or pleasure we have looked to in....
Olabisi Obideyi
When we concentrate on preaching what people WANT to hear we will only succeed in exciting their flash....
Andrew Zolli
Resilience is rooted in habits we can cultivate and change.
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