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Tag - dj
Quotes Tagged With :dj
Olivia Sudjic
I was on the sidewalk, buffering, wondering if it was okay to follow people in real life.
Olivia Sudjic
To me, it was clear proof of the existence of supersymmetry, the idea that every particle has a partner.....
Sometime rhetoric was just another way to lie and impress persons, and he knew this
Olivia Sudjic
There was never one truth. Even the Higgs could still be used to prove opposing theories, its mass falling....
De philosopher DJ Kyos
Never justify someones wrong action, without them apologizing first & admitting their wrongs. If you....
Debasish Mridha
Stop complaining. Plot your course and start your journey. Adjust your sail. Success is waiting to welcome....
Olivia Sudjic
In the last week I felt her withdrawing. What was once everywhere, an ocean I imagined myself to be drowning....
Olivia Sudjic
It never ceased to amaze me how she just had the facts always, in her head. It occured to me that if,....
Olivia Sudjic
From watching Silvia, I'd learned that one of the worst things about being ill is that most people find....
Debasish Mridha M.D.
Our abilities to understand, adjust, and change make us wise.
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