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Tag - dl
Quotes Tagged With :dl
Arthur W. Pink
The craving today is for something light and spicy, and few have patience, still less desire, to examine....
Mitch Albom
I took my orders, too. But if i couldn't keep you alive, I thought I could at least keep you together.....
K. Lamb
Every child deserves to be a boat cast out in a sea of books.
Michael Pollan
I asked the feedlot manager why they didn't just spray the liquefied manure on neighboring farms. The....
Fennel Hudson
Seek and see beauty in the watery world.
Richelle Mead
Keith was just bringing the glass to his lips when Adrian said, "Mmm. O positive, my favorite."Keith....
Christopher Hitchens
Though he never actually joined it, he was close to some civilian elements of the Democratic Front for....
Dada Bhagwan
The language for attaining Liberation [moksha] is beyond duality. The language for worldly life is with....
David Weber
Other folk thought the Rage was simple bloodlust, a berserk savagery that neither knew nor cared what....
Charles Murray
The average Harvard freshman in 1952 would have placed in the bottom 10 percent of the incoming class....
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