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Tag - domestication
Quotes Tagged With :domestication
Toba Beta
Music and symbols, they're older than human race.Prehuman beings used them to teach early mankind.
William Longgood
The bee is domesticated but not tamed.
Cary Wolfe
Many animals flourish not in spite of the fact that they are "animals" but because they are "animals"—or....
Dane Whalen
More often than not, a statist's argument against Anarchism boils down to an unwillingness to take control....
Wilhelm Reich
In terms of "quiet" bourgeois democracy two fundamental possibilities are open to the industrial worker:....
Gary Steiner
Human beings have capitalized on the silence of animals, just as certain human beings have historically....
Edward Jenner
The deviation of man from the state in which he was originally placed by nature seems to have proved....
Asa Gray
Perhaps if zoologists would contemplate the wide variations presented by many plants of indubitably one....
Derrick Jensen
The fundamental metaphor of National Socialism as it related to the world around it was the garden, not....
Debasish Mridha
Now domestication and sophistication of men by women are the norm and acceptable by society, but they....
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