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Tag - douglass
Quotes Tagged With :douglass
Frederick Douglass
I assert most unhesitatingly, that the religion of the south is a mere covering for the most horrid crimes,....
Frederick Douglass
My natural elasticity was crushed, my intellect languished, the disposition to read departed, the cheerful....
Steven Weinberg
Frederick Douglass told in his Narrative how his condition as a slave became worse when his master underwent....
Ta-Nehisi Coates
The precise ancestry of a black drug dealer or cop killer is irrelevant. His blackness predicts and explains....
Frederick Douglass
...I have sometimes thought that the mere hearing of those songs would do more to impress some minds....
James Oakes
The reformer," Douglass explained in 1883, had "a difficult and disagreeable task before him. He has....
Frederick Douglass
[A] woman should have every honorable motive to exertion which is enjoyed by man, to the full extent....
Frederick Douglass
I have observed this in my experience of slavery, - that whenever my condition was improved, instead....
Frederick Douglass
I have often wished myself a beast. I preferred the condition of the meanest reptile to my own. Any thing,....
Frederick Douglass
The more I read, the more I was led to abhor and detest my enslavers. I could regard them in no other....
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