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Tag - drones
Quotes Tagged With :drones
Alex Morritt
As with all new inventions, there are upsides and downsides. The commercial drone is no exception. But....
Saurabh Gupta Earth5R
The focus of innovations and investments need to shift from slogging innovations like phone and, drone....
J. Paul Getty
In some respects, a society in which the members reach a universal level in which they are anonymous....
Will Advise
If automating everything makes people lazier and lazier, and laziness leads to stupidity, which it does....
Jeremy Scahill
Based on his experience, he has come to believe that the drone program amounts to little more than death....
Amit Kalantri
War is not just the shower of bullets and bombs from both sides, it is also the shower of blood and bones....
Alex Morritt
Owning a drone does not a pilot make.
Our greatest power as nations and individuals is not the ability to employ assault weapons, suicide bombers,....
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