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Tag - dusk
Quotes Tagged With :dusk
Cornell Woolrich
It's six o'clock; my drink is at the three-quarter mark - three-quarters down not three-quarters up -....
Elizabeth Gaskell
There was a filmy veil of soft dull mist obscuring, but not hiding, all objects, giving them a lilac....
Stan Jacobs
Evenings and mornings represent “the gates” to your inner universe. Taking care of how you enter....
Neena Verma
Twilight, the only time of the day when the light and dark meet and become one. The bright powerful light....
Israelmore Ayivor
In between waking up from bed in the morning and going back in the evening, let something happen. God....
Seth Gecko
Did they look like psychos? They were vampires. Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them - I don't....
Elizabeth Berg
The light is amber, the air still; the daylilies have folded in on themselves. Soon, the hooded blue....
Charles Nodier
Scarcely has night arrived to undeceive, unfurling her wings of crepe (wings drained even of the glimmer....
Kate McGahan
Animal spirits often will appear during the hours between dusk and dawn; also known as the “tween times”.....
Fennel Hudson
It is the quietening of the day that most appeals.
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