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Tag - ecclesiology
Quotes Tagged With :ecclesiology
Kevin DeYoung
I sometimes find, especially among my peers, that authenticity is not a…means of growing in holiness,....
Tim Keel
In post-Christendom, the church is that community of people who look to discover what God is actively....
William Stringfellow
Hence the vocation of the Church of Christ in the world, in political conflict and social strife, is....
Alan Hirsch
Whether [new Protestant church movements] place their emphasis on new worship styles, expressions of....
Stanley Hauerwas
Saints cannot exist without a community, as they require, like all of us, nurturance by a people who,....
Michael Frost
The Christian experience is not primarily formed by our liturgy, doctrine, or ecclesiology, as important....
Thomas Merton
Faith is the door to the full inner life of the Church, a life which includes not only access to an authoritative....
David Ewert
It is not possible to understand the NT concept of the church if we overlook the numerous metaphors used....
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