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Tag - editing
Quotes Tagged With :editing
Nick Hornby
Anyone and everyone taking a writing class knows that the secret of good writing is to cut it back, pare....
Carolyn Jess-Cooke
As the trees turned red, then white, then naked as pitchforks, Margot and Xiao Chen immersed themselves....
Michael Salter
Today, acknowledgement of the prevalence and harms of child sexual abuse is counterbalanced with cautionary....
Red Red Rover
Apparently, my hopes, dreams and aspirations were no match against my poor spelling, punctuation and....
Bridie Clark
I'd known since girlhood that I wanted to be a book editor. By high school, I'd pore over the acknowledgments....
Jack McClelland
I have always believed in the principle that immediate survival is more important than long-term survival.....
Terry McDonell
Every writer, of course, has very specific ideas about editors. But writers seldom get the last word....
Shannon Hale
I'm writing a first draft and reminding myself that I'm simply shoveling sand into a box so that later....
Craig D. Lounsbrough
If I’m asking what kind of ‘return’ I should be expecting on the sacrifices I’m making, I have....
Jaclyn Moriarty
When she got back from taking Cassie to school Fancy knew that she ought to be working on her wilderness....
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