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Tag - elegance
Quotes Tagged With :elegance
Sweet wine makes drunk, sour wine (insult) is "tetelestai". Life is not about what we have done and become,....
William Pène du Bois
It seems strange to me that mechanical progress always seems to leave the slower demands of elegance....
Patricia Highsmith
Robert Walker as Bruno was excellent. He had elegance and humor, and the proper fondness for his mother.....
Michael Sipser
Theory is relevant to you because it shows you a new, simpler, and more elegant side of computers, which....
Angie karan
What is GRACE? an individual, inspiring and virtuous impulse, that streams the spirit with life! An elegance....
If we glorify God (not self) in everything we do then everything on earth will glorify God.
Bryn Hammond
Temujin watched Borte's ballet, her elegance on the fulcrum of her hips.
Treasure Stitches
The most pleasant and alluring curve on a woman is the smile
Eyden I.
The black color is much deeper than to be overwhelmed by grief… Black hides everything within itself....
Treasure Stitches
Humility is the best dress you can wear
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