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Tag - elitism
Quotes Tagged With :elitism
Friedrich Nietzsche
They're so cold, these scholars!May lightning strike their foodso that their mouths learn howto eat fire!....
Arthur C. Brooks
pessimists see people as liabilities to manage, as burdens or threats that we must minimize.
A.E. Samaan
A "racist" thinks themselves better than other races. An "elitist" thinks they are better than everyone.....
H.L. Mencken
As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul....
David Mitchell
After years of working with missionaries, I am tempted to conclude that their endeavors merely prolong....
Dan Rather
An intellectual snob is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture and not think of The Lone....
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
English does not distinguish between arrogant-up (irreverence toward the temporarily powerful) and arrogant-down....
Ljupka Cvetanova
It's easy for common people to say what they think about the government. No one listens to them.
Criss Jami
Every category has its snobs: music, books, movies. There are so many things a man is only pressured....
Michel Foucault
There are more ideas on earth than intellectuals imagine. And these ideas are more active, stronger,....
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