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Tag - emit
Quotes Tagged With :emit
Christopher Hitchens
The little boats cannot make much difference to the welfare of Gaza either way, since the materials being....
Christopher Hitchens
In the early days of the December that my father was to die, my younger brother brought me the news that....
Phillip Adams
I became aware of Jews in my early teens, as I started to pick up the signals from the Christian church.....
Auliq Ice
Hatred begins to emerge like love and it's not too far from love.
Auliq Ice
Your enemy will always plan to destroy you in any way possible thus take care of your friends, he may....
Christopher Hitchens
And thus to my final and most melancholy point: a great number of Stalin's enforcers and henchmen in....
Milton Sanford Mayer
But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes.....
Hannah Arendt
There is, therefore, a temptation to return to an explanation which automatically discharges the victim....
Hannah Arendt
The most striking difference between the ancient and modern sophists is that the ancients were satisfied....
Megan Westfield
As they kissed, the valley and the surrounding cliffsspun and toppled upside down. The saturated greens....
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