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Tag - emotion
Quotes Tagged With :emotion
One can never ever forget the one who they loved in their past and that to their First Love!!'Whenever....
Matt Chandler
God doesn't want meerly action but hearts driving action.
Alexandra Kleeman
There was a hazy damp film in his eyes that I recognized from emotions in old movies, projected large....
Sam Selvon
The old longing i had thought dead, rose in me like a flame
Maddy Malhotra
To experience positive/healthy emotions you don’t need a big house or a nice car or a managerial job....
The wound never heals until the grudge is completely gone.
Mary Crocker Cook
This dissociation from the body extends to emotional disengagement. Without access to his feelings a....
Kaiden Blake
Though we are emotional beings, we are not our emotions. Remember this the next time you find yourself....
Larissa Qat
What is the price of freedom! I'm not talking about the physical restraining kind, but the spiritual,....
Sharon Sant
I’m fading, Bethany, I know it. I think that’s what happened to my dad, that’s why I can’t see....
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