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Tag - empress
Quotes Tagged With :empress
Amit Kalantri
At all times an empire is more important than emperor and empress, prince and princess.
Kris Waldherr
OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF BABESIt is a pity that we often succeed in our endeavors to deceive each other.....
Eva Stachniak
If a tree is bent, every goat will jump on it.
Libbie Hawker
Her voice is still pitched high, thanks to her youth, but it has a certain incipient darkness to it,....
Kate Quinn
He doesn't need to tend her, because she hunts her own prey. He doesn't need to shield her, because she....
Virchand Gandhi
…the designation of wife in India, of the Hindu wife, is higher and grander than that of Empress. She....
Rhoda Belleza
If all we are is what people think we are, then we're all screwed.
Shan Sa
I, the ordinary restless child, the plain adolescent, the commoner who had been a nun twice, would prove....
Shan Sa
Men's freedom is their unfaithfulness: the Son of Heaven or the son of a peasant, they could both reduce....
Kirsty Logan
Once upon a time there was an empress, trapped as a ghost in the ruins of a jewelled palace, cursed to....
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