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Tag - eucharist
Quotes Tagged With :eucharist
Patrick T. McCormick
...celebrating the Eucharist as a remembrance of Christ means practicing God's justice towards neighbors,....
Ben Witherington III
Is the Lord’s Supper only for Christians? Whenever I ask this question I immediately remember the character....
John R. Parris
Despite the differences in detail and in emphasis in Wesley's exposition of the two sacraments, there....
Thomas Watson
We should pray that God would enrich his ordinance with his presence; that he would make the sacrament....
Jonathan Martin
This fits the pattern of how God responds to human suffering: We come looking for answers; God sends....
Gangai Victor
If the Cross is God’s masterpiece of His love, then the Eucharist is the centerpiece of our worship.....
At that time I also had, for a short while, the strength to bear it. But all too soon I lost external....
Sara Miles
What happened once I started distributing communion was the truly disturbing, dreadful realization about....
John Tillotson
For a Man cannot believe a Miracle without relying upon Sense, nor Transubstantiation without renouncing....
Louis de Wohl
Tell me, son... have you ever been intimidated by anyone?''Oh yes,' said Thomas. 'I don't believe it.....
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