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Tag - exegesis
Quotes Tagged With :exegesis
John Paul II
Those who devote themselves to the study of Sacred Scripture should always remember that the various....
Eli Of Kittim
What is the difference between my view and the classical Christian perspective? I am convinced that there....
Donald Miller
You'd think God would come right out and tell us what to do in the Bible, but He doesn't. He mostly tells....
Donald Miller
(The monks) approach was far less narcissistic and our tends to be. Their goal when reading Scripture....
Eli Of Kittim
In my view, the gospels are true, not historically, but theologically, or, as I would argue, prophetically!....
Bangambiki Habyarimana
I admire the way the Bible defies anybody who wants to nail it on a preferred meaning. There are so many....
James R. White
Many in our world today want us to believe that we can except Christ simply as a Savior from sin, but....
The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation
The medieval period based its scriptural exegesis upon the Vulgate translation of the Bible. There was....
J.C. Ryle
Ignorance of Scripture is the root of every error in religion, and the source of ever heresy. To be allowed....
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