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Tag - exploration
Quotes Tagged With :exploration
Tom Althouse
I am glad we have not yet been able to reach the stars or inhabitable planets that dance about them.....
Steven Magee
The moon is considered a relatively easy object to land humans on, everything else is much harder by....
Monte Reel
He couldn't drive the horror of cannibalism from his brain, just as he couldn't wholly suppress a simple....
Criss Jami
We often hear about stepping outside ourselves, but rarely about stepping outside our generation.
Roman Payne
From all that I saw,and everywhere I wandered,I learned that time cannot be spent,It only can be squandered.....
Tahir Shah
Through a strange kind of geographic arrogance, Europeans like to think that the world was a silent,....
Carl Sagan
I find these comparisons particularly poignant: life versus death, hope versus fear. Space exploration....
Priya Kumar
I never understood that everyone feels lost temporarily when they want to change their world and the....
G.S. Jennsen
A wispy murmur in the blackness. Blackness, where before there was only nothingness. It was dark, inky....
Julia Woodman
If you know who you are then your ego feels safe instead of fearful, and is more open to exploration.....
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