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Tag - extreme
Quotes Tagged With :extreme
Lynn Hersha
Other personalities are created to handle new traumas, their existence usually occurring one at a time.....
Steven Magee
Extreme night shift work in high altitude astronomy is easily avoidable by using a split night shift....
Criss Jami
Generally, there is a lot of truth value in stepping back, observing, then logically generalizing the....
Cheryl Hersha
The programme into which Cheryl was inducted combined all the different ways the intelligence community....
Steven Magee
Daily irradiation of the human body by natural sunlight is an extremely important aspect of human health.....
Steven Magee
Plants can be affected by stray voltage and they may show stunted growth, deformed growth, or go dormant.....
Kamand Kojouri
Extremities are flawed. Moderation is ideal, save for one occasion.So damn these eyes that weep too much.This....
Claude Debussy
Extreme complication is contrary to art.
Fern Schumer Chapman
Most German perpetrators were never punished or rewarded for their behavior, but they had learned something....
Only those prepared to go too far will learn how far they can go.
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