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Tag - fairytale
Quotes Tagged With :fairytale
C.J. English
His fingerprints covered my skin.
Ode to the Chamber...linger here amidst the chamberin which we embrace our lovetalk to me of sonnetsand....
Sukanya Venkatraghavan
The mirror sighed and spoke in a tone tinged with melancholy. Its language was old and not of any of....
C.J. English
He was the one I compared all others to.
Laarni Venus Marie Giango
When I am with you, I am invincible.When I am with you, your kind and loving presence strengthen me down....
Kirsty Logan
I met Baba Yaga at the end of childhood – past pigtails and fairytales, but not quite ready to give....
Shannon Hale
Ashlynn washed her face, put on an apron, and then opened wide the door to her shoe closet. This princess....
Debasish Mridha
How often must I get lost in a strange land of fairytales so that I can find my true self?
Ashlee Willis
Each step I take toward him is one more step closer to home.
Richelle E. Goodrich
If you ever expect to write fairytales, you've got to get your head in the clouds.
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