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Tag - falsehood
Quotes Tagged With :falsehood
Samuel Johnson
Round numbers are always false.
Marissa Meyer
My stepmother is not only powerful because the people fear her, she is powerful because she can make....
J.R.R. Tolkien
But he that sows lies in the end shall not lack of a harvest, and soon he may rest from toil indeed,....
Thomas Henry Huxley
With theology as a code of dogmas which are to be believed, or at any rate repeated, under penalty of....
Ljupka Cvetanova
I will take all my rights! Can you deliver them to my house?
Michael R. Fletcher
For all Wichtig spoke of trust, he trusted no one. For all he spoke of wisdom, he learned nothing. Every....
Criss Jami
The study of Scripture I find to be quite like mastering an instrument. No one is so good that they cannot....
Chuck Todd
Alternative facts are not facts. They are falsehoods.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
The most dangerous of all falsehoods is a slightly distorted truth.
H.S. Crow
Be terrified. Nothing in life is certain. It does not owe you anything, and if it decides to take something....
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