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Tag - fansoftheimpossiblelife
Quotes Tagged With :fansoftheimpossiblelife
Kate Scelsa
In a really good thrift store you feel like you're in a room with all of these stories, and it's up to....
Kate Scelsa
He picked out a neon-green Sour Patch Kid and held it in front of her face. "Do you accept this little....
Kate Scelsa
Wow," Mira said, looking around, "super fun.""When do they bring out the pig's blood and dump it on the....
Kate Scelsa
I know you think that we saved you or something, Jeremy," he said. "That we were stronger than you. But....
Kate Scelsa
Are you just hoping to see some boobs, Rose?" Sebby asked. "Is that what this is about?""Oh yeah," Rose....
Kate Scelsa
I picked up the blue tube again, unscrewed the cap, and squeezed a perfect line of paint onto the palate.....
Kate Scelsa
What if the insane are too raw to know which stations are real and which are just confused static?
Kate Scelsa
Look. Vegan, gluten-free quiche.""What exactly makes it quiche?""Well, the shape, I guess. It's quiche....
Kate Scelsa
Rose, this is Sebby," she said. "Sebby, Rose.""Oh yeah. Sebastian, right?" Rose said. "I've hard about....
Kate Scelsa
And I love that all their overdone liberal bullshit totally backfired," he said. "Of course it did. People....
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