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Tag - fillion
Quotes Tagged With :fillion
Jesikah Sundin
Are you ready to discover what is real?
Jesikah Sundin
Secrets upon secrets were weaving into a strange and mysterious fabric that would ultimately clothe his....
Jesikah Sundin
There is a difference between being able to love and believing your love is valuable, worth giving away.....
Jesikah Sundin
The scenic route was a paved graveyard of dreams, but Fillion hoped his would rise from the ashes, marking....
Jesikah Sundin
Multi-colored lights flashed and glared on the wet road and cast eerie reflections, reminiscent of artistic....
Jesikah Sundin
Once again, he became outraged that humans—more specifically his dad—would rather invest in something....
Jesikah Sundin
Leaf felt buried beneath the remains of their prior life, the ashes coating every part of who he thought....
Jesikah Sundin
Feelings are real. They often become one’s reality. But they are not always based on truth.
Jesikah Sundin
Their leafy whispers delighted her, and she promised her confidentiality by gently touching the trunks....
Jesikah Sundin
My heart is broken and I grieve, for I have known love. Your heart is broken and you grieve, for you....
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