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Tag - finance
Quotes Tagged With :finance
Sunday Adelaja
Life is a totality of time
Sunday Adelaja
Want to keep your life? Look for work, not a job
Sunday Adelaja
Understanding the value of time is understanding the true essence of life
Sunday Adelaja
You must add value to yourself to be relevant
Peter Dickinson
Really it was like trying to solve a crime in the Stock Exchange, the way the mildest mention of sex....
Sunday Adelaja
Diminishing returns is the outcome of restriction
Sunday Adelaja
Joblessness gives you access to a vast number of resources
Kirk Chisholm
Human Nature is not a problem that can be fixed by rules and regulations. All solutions to the existing....
Raghuram G. Rajan
The picture of bankers slavering after bonuses soon after they had been rescued by government bailouts....
Sunday Adelaja
Until you fight the battle against time, you won’t know how best to manage your time
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