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Tag - finitude
Quotes Tagged With :finitude
Ashim Shanker
There will be times in which things appear hopeless. You will begin to doubt everything around you. You....
Minae Mizumura
In years past, a person died, and eventually all those with memories of him or her also died, bringing....
Ashim Shanker
His hatred for all was so intense that it should extinguish the very love from which it was conceived.....
René Descartes
Thus the perception of the infinite is somehow prior in me to the perception of the finite, that is,....
Ashim Shanker
Innumerable arcs intersect and scatter into a vast indefinite sea.
Ilyas Kassam
we are finite, in that we are a product and source of the infinite.
Ashim Shanker
Etchings endure, But not in SandMeanings Collide To Unresolved FragmentsCodes fizzle to StaticThey are....
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