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Tag - flattery
Quotes Tagged With :flattery
William Shakespeare
O that men's ears should be To counsel deaf but not to flattery!
Marilyn Vos Savant
I believe that love--not imitation--is the sincerest form of flattery. Your imitator thinks that you....
Sydney J. Harris
The true test of independent judgement is being able to dislike someone who admires us.
Walter Colton
Imitation is the sincerest (form) of flattery.
Samuel Butler
The advantage of doing one's praising to oneself is that one can lay it on so thick and exactly in the....
Lamine Pearlheart
The thought that is billed at the price of fear and flattery is as inconsolable as that which is paid....
A man that flattereth his neighbor spreadeth a net for his feet.
Gwenda Bond
The man was a bully. A bully who'd elevated himself to a high-level position, but a bully just the same.....
Karl Kraus
He who gladly does without the praise of the crowd will not miss the opportunity of becoming his own....
George Bernard Shaw
What really flatters a man is that you think him worth flattery.
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