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Tag - flying
Quotes Tagged With :flying
Debatrayee Banerjee
She flew across the turbulent gust.Her eyes fixed, her wings strongShe flies and flies and flies along.To....
Scott Kelly
Flying in space is a privilege, whether it's the first time or the fourth time.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Blessed are those that know the path out of their carnal flesh, for they shall attain intuition.
Anne Fortier
There is a trick to flying. The angels told me." He had smiled at my wide-eyed awe. "You need to forget....
William Kershner
Keep thy airspeed up, less the earth come from below and smite thee.
Mehmet Murat ildan
Humans have better wings than birds: Human mind is a perfect wing and with this wing we can fly to some....
Margot Robbie
I love flying so much. I even like airplane food. No one bothers you and your phone never goes off and....
Maria Dahvana Headley
I know everyone has dreams of flying, but this isn’t a dream of flying. It’s a dream of floating,....
Gigi Sedlmayer
He had his eyes closed androcked himself so much that everyone thought he wouldsoon crash to the ground.....
Marshall Ramsay
I had a dream about you last night... I think flying saucer activity is pretty easy to explain; if I....
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