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Tag - friendship
Quotes Tagged With :friendship
Alfred Tennyson
He makes no friends who never made a foe.
Haruna Idowu
Friends could be more influential than spouses. Hence selection should be based on attitude not apparel,....
Ripley Patton
You know,” he said, “P.S.S. Piss Camp.” “Yeah, I get it,” I said, “It’s just not funny.....
Isabella Rogge
Some people, no matter how much love you give them, cannot be saved. The first victories do not guarantee....
St. Clair
I’m brutally honest.” “No kidding. Sometimes a little too honest. There’s....
محمد عبد الرحمن العريفي
Do not earn wealth and lose people, for earning people is a way of earning wealth.
Mensah Oteh
To be happy you need to take charge of your life by choosing to live in a beautiful state always because....
Ursula K. Le Guin
I expect it will turn out that sexual intercourse is possible between Gethenian double-sexed and Hainish-norm....
joseph fink
Jackie.''Mm.''Thank you for keeping me company in my nightmare.'Jackie grinned at her,'Nah, it's our....
Thomas Jefferson
But friendship is precious, not only in the shade but in the sunshine of life; & thanks to a benevolent....
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