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Tag - fundamentalist
Quotes Tagged With :fundamentalist
Robert M. Price
But if subjective pietism is not the real crux of this all-important Gospel, if it is instead belief....
Christina Engela
The patriarchy longs for the days 'when men were men' and women were oppressed, subservient - and they....
William Shakespeare
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
Abhijit Naskar
Religious fundamentalism advocates homophobia, misogyny, xenophobia, polygamy and many other primitive....
Abhijit Naskar
If one does not have the basic conscientious capacity to refute the primitive textual verses of the scriptures....
Michael Salter
Blaming therapy, social work and other caring professions for the confabulation of testimony of 'satanic....
Abhijit Naskar
No Quran, no Bible, no Gita, no Cow, is greater than the human self.
Abhijit Naskar
Homosexuals are not made, they are born.
David G. McAfee
Religious people claim that it's just the fundamentalists of each religion that cause problems. But there's....
Matthew Paul Turner
The way we saw things, it didn’t matter that God had created the heavens and the earth—he did not....
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