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Tag - fundamentals
Quotes Tagged With :fundamentals
Pawan Mishra
Create a world in front of your readers where they can taste, smell, touch, hear, see, and move. Else....
Pawan Mishra
A writer gets to live yet another life every time she creates a new story.
Pawan Mishra
As you become a better writer, the writing becomes more difficult. You toil harder to tell a story in....
Pawan Mishra
The good writing ideas don’t have to be about political turmoil, mass killings, capitalism, racism,....
Julian Schwinger
Is the purpose of theoretical physics to be no more than a cataloging of all the things that can happen....
Pawan Mishra
Cliches are the viruses that infect your writing with diseases.
Pawan Mishra
If certain aspect needs to be inconsistent, it must better be consistently inconsistent throughout the....
Pawan Mishra
Ideas either age like fine wine or rot like potatoes over time.
Pawan Mishra
Be a good reader first, if you wish to become a good writer.
Pawan Mishra
Don’t interrupt when your characters take a flight of their own.
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