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Tag - futuristic
Quotes Tagged With :futuristic
Criss Jami
Those who speak of progression but are afraid of change are self-repressed and therefore unable to reach....
Eric J. Martindale
You see, evil men, the likes of whom have sought to enslave their fellow man since the dawn of creation,....
Judy Griffith Gill
George Orwell
In the past the need for a hierarchal form of society has been the doctrine specifically of the High.....
Onyi Anyado
Entrepreneur, don't just read history, write it so people can see the future in the present.
Michelle O'Leary
Not much of a childhood, Cass. When did you get to play?”With a frown, she said, “I played.”“You....
Tamara Rose Blodgett
Then the Skopamish showed up. Their chests heaving, rotting eyes like dull raisins in their skulls. Their....
Anne Tenino
He turned to Matt and gave a huge smile, one hand on her withers. James reached out and pulled Matt to....
Cynthia Willerth
It is as it is. Betren son of Bromwell Defender of Delmarath
Anne Tenino
He didn't care if Matt made him cuddly or made him hornier than he'd ever been or even made him a lovesick....
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