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Tag - gates
Quotes Tagged With :gates
Rishabh Surya
I'm not rich as Bill Gates neither I'm famous as Tom Cruise, But trust me I am happier than all of them.....
Donald Allen
No matter how much you learn in college, it never prepares you for the real world.
Steven Erikson
A civilization can easily drown in what it knows as in what doesn't know. Consider,' he continued, Gotho's....
Olaotan Fawehinmi
Success, Bill Gates said, is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.Same....
Steven Erikson
People of civilized countenance made much of exposing the soft underbellies of their psyche - effete....
Mehmet Murat ildan
If you close your door to the world of books, the gates of the world of ignorance automatically opens....
Rachael Wade
Gavin turned us to face Josh, a satisfied grin springing up when he noticed the condition of Josh’s....
Anthony Liccione
Closed mouths, only lead to closed gates. Share your salvation!
Charles J. Sykes
Be nice to nerds. You may end up working for them. We all could.
Steve Jobs
I think the world’s a better place because Bill realized that his goal isn’t to be the richest guy....
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