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Tag - gear
Quotes Tagged With :gear
Tahir Shah
Money spent on good-quality gear is always money well spent.
Olaotan Fawehinmi
Sequel to Albert Einstein's quote "education is what remains after you have forgotten what you learned....
Amit Kalantri
Among all the machines, motorcar is my favorite machine.
Amit Kalantri
Take care of your car in the garage, and the car will take care of you on the road.
Amit Kalantri
I love the wheels, I mean steering wheel.
Olaotan Fawehinmi
Success, Bill Gates said, is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.Same....
Marius Vieth
Your most important gear is your eye, heart and soul.
Sandra Bullock
I would love to be on 'Top Gear' as a star in a reasonably priced car.
Olaotan Fawehinmi
One of the very striking life lessons from Game of Thrones.When Arya was blind; hopeless and helpless.....
Amit Kalantri
I am so obsessed with the cars that sometimes I feel like my heart is not a muscle, it's an engine.
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