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Tag - giving
Quotes Tagged With :giving
We know the good we apprehend it clearly. But we can't bring it to achievement.
Khaled Hosseini
i want to give up my bearings, slip out of who i am, shed everything, the way a snake discards old skin.....
Harry Browne
You can't give the government the power to do good without also giving it the power to do bad - in fact,....
James E. Faust
Many think that the price of discipleship is too costly and too burdensome. For some, it involves giving....
Charlie Haden
I wanted to do 'Oh Shenandoah' because that's the town I was born in - as a tribute to my mom and dad....
Andy Stanley
...often, stepping outside your comfort zone is not careless irresponsibility, but a necessary act of....
Oscar Wilde
After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one's own relations.
Bryant McGill
If you want meaning in your life you must give your life meaning.
Ali hassan hasan
You will never get what you want in this world
Robert Louis Stevenson
You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving.
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