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Tag - glimmer
Quotes Tagged With :glimmer
Lana M. H. Wilder
Smile. Give Earth the biggest smile you've got. See every glimmer of light in the scariest, darkest sky.....
Sanober Khan
I do not want to sleepfor fear I might miss the twinkle of the brightest starfor fear I may never knowhow....
Rebecca Wells
These are all I have. I do not have the wide, bright beacon of some solid old lighthouse, guiding ships....
Scott Hastie
Ultimately not one amongst usWill ever be denied that,The glimmer of a chance to shine.
Charles Lee
I preach darkness. I don't inspire hope—only shadows. It's up to you to find the light in my words.....
Debasish Mridha
Life is ephemeral like the journey of a dew drop. We must not forget to glitter.
Munia Khan
I wish to spend a lifetime near a lighthouse where loneliness will be the glimmer of luminous prancing....
Sharon E. Rainey
I can’t cure anyone. I can’t guarantee they will heal. I can only tell them my story, remind them....
Suzanne Collins
Glimmer, I hear someone call her - ugh, the names the people in District 1 give their children are so....
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