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Tag - gondwana
Quotes Tagged With :gondwana
Tahir Shah
Foras Road has a sordid reputation (…) Old crones sat in doorways, while their daughters were pushed....
Tahir Shah
Back at the Chateau Windsor there was a rat-like scratching at the door of my room. Vinod, the youngest....
Tahir Shah
Prideep pointed to the flames of paraffin lamps as they came alive in the distance and cackled in awe....
Tahir Shah
The ancient paused for a moment, as if his strength were failing. Yet I sensed that there was more to....
Tahir Shah
In India an explanation is often more confusing than what prompted it.
Tahir Shah
Osman and Prideep had been in my employment for some weeks. Every Friday I would take the to lunch. It....
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