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Tag - goodreads
Quotes Tagged With :goodreads
Chris Mentillo
Having money is about handling it the correct way. In my lifetime, I've both lost and made millions.
Sola Kosoko
Someone is always feeding fat off everything you don't know.
Shannon MacLeod
Submitted for your approval--the curious case of Colleen O’Brien and thegorgeous time traveling Scot....
Mark A. Rayner
People who have so much of their personality invested in the Internet can’t really survive as whole....
Chris Mentillo
They're Coming.
Chris Mentillo
Kurt Cobain was a musical lyric genius. He was the Edgar Allan Poe of songwriting.
Chris Mentillo
Don't let your past dictate your future,
Sola Kosoko
Pain is our salvation 'cos when it's dark enough, a star will reveal itself.
It’s much, much tougher when you’re a 17 year-old gay boy, part of only 10% or less of the school....
Chris Mentillo
There Is A Fine Line Between A Man of God And One Who Serves The Devil.
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