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Tag - gospels
Quotes Tagged With :gospels
Richard Bauckham
However it—or the kind of extreme individualistic epistemology it embraces—can lead historians to....
Dorothy Day
The Gospel takes away our right forever, to discriminate between the deserving and the undeserving poor.....
Joseph McCabe
The sentiments attributed to Christ are in the Old Testament. They were familiar in the Jewish schools....
Frank Butcher
The most 'authoritative' accounts of a historical Jesus come from the four canonical Gospels of the Bible.....
John Marco Allegro
Thousands of years before Christianity, secret cults arose which worshipped the sacred mushroom—the....
R. Alan Woods
The synoptic Gospels of the New Testament manuscripts make us aware of Christ's character and gives us....
Leo Tolstoy
It became clear to him that all the dreadful evil he had been witnessing in prisons and jails and the....
R. Alan Streett
Many theologians believe the Gospel writers include miracle stories in order to prove that Jesus is divine.....
Paul Louis Couchoud
It was only much later that he was made flesh and blood [in the Gospels] on paper. Thus Christ was created....
Maurice Casey
Equally, it does not mean that Christian beliefs cause more distortion than other ideological beliefs.....
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